Wednesday 29 May 2013

With great power comes great responsibility...

"With great power comes great responsibility", this is a quote I could not forget. Thanks J.C. for sharing the quote with me. It still sticks at the back of my mind every time I see the people around me.

Well, something interesting popped up today, and I decided to write a blog post about it, since I think it's a good sharing for every one.

When you hold power, it doesn't mean you have the higher authority over everyone else under you. When you hold power, you are suppose to lead them, guide them, and answer to them. Every decision you made, every word you speak, and every action you do is being watched.

Second, when you are in the committee, you DO NOT reject your committee's ideology or rules for the sake of the ex-committee. They give ideas, advice, or help, but they DO NOT make the final decision. Even if you make the worst possible decision, they have no say in changing it, simply because it's not their duty and responsibility to do it.

Third, you should not misuse your power, or being biased towards anybody, be it members, committees or ex-committees. You should answer to the members, the teams, the organization. Being bias can create segregation within the organization, and as a leader, you would want to avoid that. Misusing of power can cause dispute and hatred, or uneasiness. Remember, people do not owe you anything. They can leave you anytime they want, yet they are still here. Ask yourself why.

Appreciate your members, appreciate every effort, for there is no "I" in the word "team".

I still got a lot more to learn. But all the same, if people don't appreciate my contribution and effort, or makes my reputation goes down, I will leave. For me, I got a set of virtue that I follow, and if you don't respect that, I would not force you to. I would simply walk away from the things that can harm me or my loved ones if I could. If I could not, I will fight for what I believe in. Well that's me. :))

So cheers. The world is a beautiful place. Be happy. :))

Look forward to a better tomorrow. :)) 

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