Thursday 30 October 2014

University and Life

That's how it all began.

It started with a camp, meeting new people, attending my very first lecture in university, and joining interest groups that I'm passionate about.

Ever since then, I'm here for 3 months already. At first, it's about adaptability, and seeking the meaning of my tertiary education. Economics is my first choice, and I love the subject, but enjoying student life and stepping out of my comfort zone is also part of a quality education.

Trying to adapt to my new environment posed a huge challenge. Cleaning my own room, doing my own laundry, keeping a lookout on healthy (yet tasty) food, while keeping up with a student's responsibilities - study, social, and club's commitment.

Though struggle, I've had plenty of good time in my new school - Or my second home by now -. I love all my subjects, my course mates, my lecturer, my awesome seniors in debate. My love for my commitments has driven me to work hard, and trying to excel in every area that I'm part of. Reality struck me when I look at my lists of to-do, knowing I couldn't possibly do everything at once and be good at every one of them.

This new reality becomes my barrier from indulging myself into new commitment. I've pull back on events and activities that I know I won't have time for - or exhaust myself if I jump into it -. For now, I just have to put in effort at my commitment at hands. Approximately a month more before I could wave goodbye to my first semester. Till then, survival will be at the top of my priority list.

Sunday 5 January 2014

New Year Resolution?

I'm a bit too late to be posting this up.

I've decided not to cramp myself with crazy resolution this year. Therefore my resolution remained simple.

My theme of 2014 will be 'Stay Focused'

This theme link very much to my personal self as I struggled to focus on a single task every time. It was a reminder - a powerful reminder - that every time I got distracted or astray, I could be pulled back by this two powerful words.

Happy New Year Every one.